Dear All,
Hello from Samugaku. Chaa is blogging. Today Temperature is dropping to 2 degree. It is quite cold. Yet, we are enjoying all the program.
We are sorting garlic. Our Oidare is delicious and thank you so much for buying it!
Today practical knowledge is very important for individuals. Every student is into it. I am amazed by students’ concentration.
Practical learning: Cleaning is the hardest for many people. Here at our school, we are learning
We learn basic knowledge about politics and peace. Soldiers are for people and of Japan? It is challenging! Yet, it is needed to know.
また今日は、政治と平和についての基礎知識を学びました。自衛隊は国民や日本のためになっているのでしょうか。これは難しい質問です! でも、これは知る必要があることなのです。
Through Kubota sensei, we learnt to have general knowledge about Japan and its politics. I learnt so much through this class.
Why people protest all day long for PEACE actions of Okinawa?
we are given the opportunity to think about how to see things and express things with facts not by hearing news only.
Samugaku is a great opportunity for staff and students in order to deepen our knowledge. Through school and its activities, we find ourselves and we can learn philanthropy and have hearts to care for our nation, Japan and its leaders.
Thank you so much,