Good evening from Samugaku!
This is Chaa writing. In the early morning, I was being greeted by students with wide smiles. Some of the students are working in society and their work performances are being recognized by their colleagues and supervisors. Seeing students being a part of society makes our school so proud. Again, I am so grateful to all the parents who put their trust in our school.
With the trust and support of parents, our school could help students this far.
As usual, students are accustomed to working accordingly with the daily program. In the morning, some took a walk, weeded, peeled the garlic, and practised writing Chinese character according to the choice study they made.
In general, our students are good. Yet, they are still struggling how to be in a group and to take responsibility. Through the program of the school, individuals are encouraged to choose the task/ subject which is presented by the staff and they are to keep doing on the task they picked for a month. By doing so, students are learning responsibility and consistency naturally.
Kokorozashi class comes after Choice study. Here comes the individual’s choice. Students can freely pick one task they want to do the whole month for Kokorozashi class. Here, we staff can learn the students and their interests through their choice of tasks for a month. More or less, all our students are eager to learn things. Yet, to have the persistence and steady motivation within themselves may need to be encouraged and guided by the staffs closely.
I had challenged students yesterday that LEARN from the staffs how to maintain balance and keep growing steadily.
Today I taught as follows: 今日は以下のことを教えました。
4 things we need to stop telling ourselves if we want to improve your mental health!
By Kathleen Smith, PhD:精神的に成長するために、自分に言うのをやめる必要がある四つのこと
- I must be loved by everyone at all times. いつもみんなから愛されないといけない
The reality is that you can never make everyone happy all the time.
Instead, try focusing on our own values.
- I must be successful at everything. すべてのことに成功しないといけない
Often the most successful people have failed numerous times and embraced their flaws.
成功している人こそ数え切れないくらい失敗して、自分のミスで恥ずかしい 思いをしている。
- I must avoid all conflict. あらゆる衝突を避けないといけない
Cutting off or distancing yourself from people who are difficult can seem like the safest solution.
But this escape act is only a temporary fix. けれどこれは、一時的な解決にしかならない。
- I must have control over everything. 全てを支配しないといけない
Some of the students’ responses are as follows: 生徒たちはこんな感想を言ってくれました。
“We always think that being loved by everyone is a must for us. That’s why we couldn’t communicate or express our feelings. As a result, we fail in many areas. We want to re-set our mind.”
“As for me, I learn that I must stop measuring my value by others. By being loved by other, I tried to set the value of myself and of others. It pulls me down. When I was working at a nursing home, I tried to be recognized by people around me and I thought everyone around me is way smarter. At last, the gap between me and the people around makes me down. Indeed, there were many things I could do. I could recognize myself today that I am one of the adults in society regardless of my failures.”
“Failure or failing is not alright for me. I was afraid of making mistakes.”
“Even if we don’t get along with people around us, we shouldn’t avoid. The idea that I must be successful in everything should not be practiced. Making mistakes will help us learn taking responsibilities.”
“I wanted to control everything. I was concerned about people around me a lot. And I said to myself I was not good enough. I blamed myself. I learnt that even if I tried to do perfect and be perfect, I cannot please everyone.”
We will have a softball match on this Sunday. Students are practising hard for it. Here today students practised hard. I am so sure that they had a blast. Please come to see how students can play softball.
Above all, students are being trained physically and mentally here in the school.
Thank you for reading the blog.