Look around us. Technology affects us and changes the way we learn and communicate. In the morning, students learned the basics of computers today. Then, students who want to learn more about computers will be given opportunities. In the afternoon, students learnt what life and society are about through animation.
Information and knowledge are key to our growth and flexibility.
Some may not know HIKIKIKOMORI.
Some may not know NEET.
Some may not know DROPOUT.
At the end of this blog, you will find definitions of HIKIKOMORI, NEET, and DROPOUT.
In general, these young people are sensitive and somewhat introverted. However, they have their own barriers and definitions for viewing people and the world. They are somewhat young and inexperienced. Yet, they are unique in their thinking.
So, TIME/spending together is very important here to know and understand the other person.
For certain times, our school provides a place for students to express themselves. To that end, students learn how to prepare meals with the school chef, and students spend time with others for breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as the school program.
Students learn how to connect and interact with others. Students learn to eat three meals a day. Students learn to get enough sleep.
生徒は他者とのつながりや交流の仕方を学びます。 生徒は、1日3食を食べることを学ぶ。 生徒は十分な睡眠時間を確保することを学びます。
The school then provides a workplace, where students gain work experience and develop a desire to be part of society. Students naturally become communicative and physically active. Above all, they are educated and called upon by specific employees, and they learn skills.
その後、学校が職場を提供することで、生徒たちは仕事の経験を積み、社会の一員になりたいという願望を持つようになります。 生徒たちは自然とコミュニケーションを図り、身体を動かすようになる。 そして何より、特定の社員から教育され、声をかけられ、技術を習得していく、といった具合です。
Adoption and adaptation is not always easy for students. Therefore, we try to have a brief session at the end of the day where students share their experiences and challenges they have faced.
採用や適応は、学生にとって簡単なことではありません。 そこで、一日の終わりに簡単なセッションを設け、学生たちが経験したことや直面した課題を共有するようにしています。
The improvement in communication and teamwork is visible in our schools, workplaces, and among our students. Students came to talk to us at the end of each day…
コミュニケーションやチームワークの向上は、学校、職場、生徒の間で目に見える形で現れています。 学生たちは、日々の終わりに私たちに話しかけに来てくれました…。
A form of severe social withdrawal known as ‘hikikomori’ is frequently reported in Japan and is characterized by adolescents and young people withdrawing to their parents’ homes and being unable to go to work or school for months or years.
NEET stands for Not in Education, Employment, or Training, a term used by the government to describe young people who are not in school, do not have a job, or are not trained to work.
NEETとは、Not in Education, Employment, or Trainingの略で、学校に通っておらず、仕事を持っていない、あるいは仕事をするための訓練を受けていない若者を指す言葉として政府によって使われています。
A DROPOUT is a person who drops out of school, college, or vocational school before earning a credential or living an unusual way: a high school or college dropout.
Above all, everyone has his or her own talents. There is work that only he/she can do. And I want to thank those who support our activities. And thank you to the Caterpillar Foundation for making it possible for us to send our students out into the world with hard skills.
なによりも、誰もがそれぞれの才能を持っている。 その人だけができる仕事がある。 そして、私たちの活動を支えてくれている人たちに感謝したい。 そして、私たちの学生をハードスキルで社会に送り出すことを可能にしてくれるキャタピラー基金に感謝します。