One of the goals of our school is to grow together.
Our school is for shut-ins/Hikikomori, NEETs and dropouts.
We all have our own pasts and battles that we want to forget or overcome.
Our schools work with students to look at the past and reconcile with it. Reconciliation with the past means drawing a clear line between the past and the present. To do this, students learn to become independent individuals, not only mentally but also financially.
Today, Director Nagaoka taught us some truths in everyday life. Let me summarize what I learnt from Director Nagaoka’s talk!
今日は長岡理事長から日常生活における真理を教わりました。 長岡理事長の話を聞いて、私が学んだことをまとめてみよう!
To be part of the community, working connects us to society. Relationships play an important role. We get hurt and hurt someone else. Needless to say, relationships are difficult.
地域の一員であるために、働くことで社会とつながる。 人間関係が重要な役割を果たす。 傷つき、誰かを傷つける。 人間関係は言うまでもなく難しい。
Building a good relationship is a miracle, says Dr Nagaoka. In order to build a good relationship, one must know that professional and private life are two different things.
良い関係を築くことは奇跡だと長岡先生は言う。 良い関係を築くためには、職業とプライベートは違うものだということを知らなければなりません。
I myself think that the idea of privacy in Japan varies. Japan is a collectivist country. So each of us may have a group identity rather than an individual identity.
私自身は、日本におけるプライバシーの考え方はさまざまだと思う。 日本は集団主義です。 だから、それぞれが個人のアイデンティティよりも集団のアイデンティティを持っているのかもしれない。
It is for sure that each is very different from the other under the umbrella of collectivism and group identity.
I learnt the following … 私は以下のことを学んだ…
At times, if we don’t understand someone, just let it be. At times, we don’t need to concern about people or things we don’t understand.
Just let it go. That’s nature.
ただ放っておく。 それが自然だ。
It is really difficult to know ourselves confidently and freely. We can get closer to those we love. There, we can feel compassion for each other. We can meet and get to know each other because we are destined to do so.
自信を持って自由に自分を知ることは本当に難しい。 我々は愛する人々に近づくことができる。 そこでは、互いを思いやる気持ちが生まれる。 我々が出会い、お互いを知ることができるのは、運命的な出会いがあるからです。
There are situations where we have to learn to give up. Giving up is not easy. To be able to give up, we need to know ourselves and know the situation.
There are two types of giving up:
One gives up verbally and is emotionally addicted to it.
One gives up for sure and starts again.
I learnt certain truths in our daily lives from Nagaoka sensei.
Relationships we have are miracles.
Everything that happens to us and everyone we meet has a purpose and destiny.
We make choices in our daily lives. Our choices are appropriate and good.
We are to be grateful for every situation and every person we meet.
我々は日々の生活の中で選択をしている。 我々の選択は、適切で良いものです。
In the third stage, students get to know themselves. Students learnt to accept themselves and were accepted. This step is reintegration into society through further education or part-time work. Students are then moved from the dormitories or their parents’ home to a flat and sent out into society.
Our schools are building a better future by bringing out the best from our students. Happiness becomes tangible in more places – with our students, their families and communities.
我々の学校は、生徒から最高のものを引き出すことで、より良い未来を築いています。 生徒とその家族、そして地域社会と、より多くの場所で幸せが具体的になっていきます。
I am beyond grateful to students, their parents, government grants, subsidies, workplaces and many others.