Since this year marks Samugaku’s 20th anniversary, we find ourselves reflecting on both the future and the past.
Our director, Hidetaka Nagaoka, has been a prolific contributor to the Shinshu Minpo over the years, penning numerous articles from Samugaku’s inception to the present day.
These writings, spanning two decades, cover a vast array of topics, from broad, sweeping overviews to detailed analyses, addressing contemporary issues of their times as well as speculating on the future based on the realities of those moments.
Nagaoka’s articles serve as a rich time capsule, offering insights into Samugaku’s journey, its evolving focus, and the challenges it faced. By revisiting these past reflections, we gain a deeper understanding of our history, which in turn informs our vision for the future.

To commemorate this milestone, we are in the process of compiling these articles into a series of books, available in both physical and digital formats.
This collection will not only archive the history of Samugaku but also encapsulate Nagaoka’s evolving philosophy and thoughts over the years. We hope that these volumes will serve as a comprehensive record of our past and a source of inspiration for the future.
