This is Chaa today. We had a Social Skills Training class at Ueda High School.
High School is a crucial age where main outcomes of a person’s life might be decided. Of course people can always try to improve their circumstances, but problems that calcify in High School can persist for long periods of time.
Among these issues are difficulties developing appropriate social skills for living in adult society. Especially, learning to ask for help, learning to say no, and learning to hear no are all important to practice. However, students are sometimes able to avoid acquiring these skills if they don’t have many friends and don’t communicate much. A student who quietly studies and achieves middling grades and doesn’t join any clubs may never or rarely practice asking for help or refusing.
When we enter adult society, more is required of us as individuals. We have to work and make money, pay bills and taxes, interact with coworkers and bosses, create and maintain social connections, and manage our emotions and responses.
また、断られる練習をしなかった場合、実際に断られたときの影響を 強く受け、感情的にもなり、大人の社会でやっていくのに苦労をしてしまいます。
If students don’t practice asking for what they need, they may become isolated and struggle until they break down. If students don’t practice refusing things they don’t have the capacity for, they may take on too much until they break down. If students don’t practice hearing refusals, when they are refused, they may become very affected or emotional, and they will struggle to proceed in adult society.

Today’s Social Skills Training began with talking about why asking and refusing is difficult.
- 正しく問うためには、好奇心が必要である
- To ask properly, we need curiosity
- 好奇心を持つためには、自信と自己認識が必要である。
- To be curious, we need self-confidence and self-awareness
How can we have curiosity, self-confidence, and self-awareness?
- 好奇心は余裕から生まれる
- Curiosity comes from having room
- ゆとりは自信から生まれる
- Having room comes from confidence
- 自信は自分を知ることから生まれる
- Confidence comes from knowing yourself
We often feel nervous or hesitant to ask for help or what we need – why?
It is often related to the fear of rejection.
I asked the students – what do they feel when they are refused?
There were many good answers, such as feeling tired, bothered, or sad.
One student said they wondered why they were refused.
To be honest, refusals are most of the time not about the asker, but about the person refusing. Hearing their no can be difficult, but it’s part of life. Their refusal is usually not personal and has more to do with their mood or problems.
Finally, we practiced asking each other questions and played some board and card games as an easy way to facilitate communication.