Today Chaa is writing a blog. Today is quite cold. I feel like winter visits us today.
Allow me to begin with THANKS to you for your constant help and trust in us and in our works.
Our programs help students to have more interests in people around them and the places in Nagano prefecture. Having more interests, students will be motivated to e part of society. That leads them to desire to work which leads to being independent.
Most of our programs are created to provide workplaces for students to have work experiences and desires to be part of society by exposing them to the different sorts of workplaces. Students are naturally encouraged to communicate and to move physically.
Challenges and impromptu learning are demanded on the spot. Those leads staff and students to be flexible and resilient. By being in worksites we gain experiences and learn how to observe and learn and follow closely to the instructions from the experts.
Communicating in loud worksites/places, dividing the tasks on the spot, and managing time and people depending on the workloads is incredibly challenging.
Adopting and adapting are not easy for students and staff.
Improved communication and teamwork are tangible at worksites and workplaces among the students. Students are being exposed to community. Students get to interact with other individual everyday. Besides students got to speak loudly, which is unusual for many of them. Our students are more or less very introvert and volume of their voices is extremely small.
Today is a beautiful day!