No one live alone. No one can live alone.
To get to know each other and to live in a community isn’t easy.
Together, we can do more.
Together, we can be more resilient.
Together, we can learn diversity.
誰も一人では生きられない。 誰も一人では生きられません。
I am Chaa writing a blog today.
Today I would like to share two things with you. One is our Driector Nagaoka’s tabloid and another is Machi no Coin/ Town’s Coin.
今日は2つのことを分かち合いたいと思います。 ひとつは、上田新聞に掲載された理事長のメモ、もうひとつは、「まちのコイン」です。
A note of our director Nagaoka from Ueda City Newspaper
Toward a Society Where “Just Being Alive” Becomes Invaluable
Seventeen years have passed since I started working in a field where children cry.
This special place called “pediatrics,” children are basically crying. Children do not want to be suctioned. Children refuse to have their nasal passages inspected. Children reject injections with all their might. They all cry and scream. If you are not accustomed to cry and scream, these cry and scream can be stressful. It is inevitable that there are people who dislike when children cry in public transportation or theaters. I see people who would have cried themselves to death but they express their dislike toward the children who cry and scream as if they do not cry or scream. It comes to mind that there is the difference between children and adults. I love the sound of children’s cries roaring at workplace. It is the roar of a soul that wants to continue living.
それとは真逆の世界が存在する。残念ながら我が国日本の15歳から34歳までの死因第一位は「自死」である。G7(フランス・アメリカ・ドイツ・カナダ・イギリス・イタリア・日本)の中でも、日本が唯一。U N I C E Fが先進国38カ国の子どもたちを対象とした調査で、「身体的な幸福度」は世界一位。日本の子どもたちが身体的な健康という観点から言うと世界で一番幸福だと言うことが分かる。しかし一方で、精神的な健康度を表す「精神の幸福度」は世界ワースト二位。その子どもたち対する具体的な調査の中で、生活満足度の低い理由に「家庭内不和」が8割。「意見表明を許されない」が6割。
There, the exact opposite world exists. Let me go further about the exact opposite world. Unfortunately, the leading cause of death among 15- to 34-year-olds in Japan is suicide among the G7 (France, the U.S., Germany, Canada, the U.K., Italy, and Japan). In a U N I C E F survey of children in 38 developed countries, Japan ranked first in the world in terms of “physical well-being. This shows that Japanese children are the happiest in the world in terms of physical health. On the other hand, the level of “mental well-being,” is the second worst in the world. In a specific survey of these children, 80% of them stated “family discord” as the reason for their low level of life satisfaction, and 60% stated”not being allowed to express their opinions.
I have been doing this job for 20 years, I have been asked a “suicide prevention committee member” for various government agencies for my opinion as an expert often. One of the questions I am asked is, “Why do children choose suicide?” A question that is somewhat abstract and for which I have no idea of the responsibility. I assure you that the numbers I showed earlier (mental well-being) are all that matters, and I do not consider myself an expert. Since I don’t know how suicide is certified, I even resent the fact that such “reasons for suicide” are so openly announced, but “academic failure” and “health reasons” are at the top of the list. How is that possible? (It is “unnatural” for a human being, a living being (not to say that there are zero), to wish to die, and it should be “impossible” in the first place. Even so, the fact that children and young people with bright futures ahead of them choose to commit suicide suggests that it is no longer “natural”. Unless the environment and conditions are improved, this sad fact will continue and may even increase. As “urbanization” and “mechanization” progress, we humans have somehow forgotten that we are “natural products,” and we simply do not realize that we are becoming more and more “unnatural”. The “unnatural” state refers to “disease”. Disease does not develop suddenly. It only becomes a “natural” state of “disease” if we continue to live in an unnatural state. Children and youth do not yet have such a large stake in society. Where are they connected? Only to the family. I do not mean to imply that the responsibility lies with the family, or with the way parents raise their children, or with those who condone bullying in schools. The “unnaturalness” that occurs in the home can never be seen or understood by others. Therefore, I will continue to sound the alarm that the “reasons” do not come up, and I will continue to risk everything to do so.
A newborn child cannot communicate. All they do is cry. Yet, the parents and people around them love, respect, and cherish the existence of that life alone. All human beings should have been treated in the same way. The value of human life is enough. At this workplace where many children are crying, I am being taught about the CORE of human life.
Today, people from Ueda City Hall came to school and shared with us about Ueda Coin
今日は、上田市役所の方が学校に来て、上田コイン は もん について教えてくれました。
By introducing “Machi no Coin/ Machi no Coin”, we expect that people will get to know each other and promote interaction and relationships with tourists and other visitors, while citizens will naturally enjoy themselves and become aware of the SDGs, creating new local exchanges among citizens and between citizens and stores. In addition, the “Use App, Know People” event is expected to create new regional exchanges among citizens and between citizens and merchants.
Many thanks,