This morning as well, the students were in a group working together in a convivial atmosphere. Coming to school on time is a well-done deed for the students. Coming to school and seeing other students and working in a team HELPS individuals informed with the now ‘THEY’ objectively. As a result, students desire to make/have changes in their lives in a more hopeful and practical way.
This morning, I read the news which says ‘there were 410,000 cases of ‘bully’ in 2017 and many people are in dire need of help. I urge the students to takes courage to stand up to a bully. Our words and behaviours/actions can be in control.
今朝、私は、「2017年に41万件のいじめがあった」という記事を読みました。そして多くの人々が苦しみの中助けを求めています。 私は生徒たちにいじめに立ち向かう勇気を持つよう訴えています。言葉や行動は自分でコントロールできるのです。
At times, it seems incongruous to have all the varied people in one group. Yet, when I hear individuals, each finds their moment of happiness in the crowd/students. Of course, there is quibbling over day-to-day responsibilities.
Our Okinawa school got hit by a typhoon and we were apprehensive about all the cost occurred in fixing and repairing the damage.
A project for Okinawa was wonderfully done on November 18 in Okinawa. Many came and showered us with every possible support. The kind actions of individuals are the inspiring example to all of us indeed. We are literally dazzled by many who showed their cares in tangible ways. Thank you so much.
This morning we learn time management and how to maintain balance by a regular and light exercise. Setting time for every house chore is being encouraged. Choosing the outfits before going to bed will give us extra time the next day. To refrain from all electronic devices is A MUST for keeping a balance. There are informative approaches to relax and refresh oneself such as dipping in a bit bath, scenting the room (rose, lemon, and whatnots), doing every activity in a routine and so on.
午前の授業では、タイムマネージメントや、規則的な軽い運動によっていかにバランスを保つかということを学びました。家事の時間を決めることがオススメのようです。夜寝る前に明日の服を選んでおくことで、朝の時間に余裕が生まれます。 そして電子機器を使わないことはバランスを保つためには必須です。半身浴やバラ、レモンなどの香り、ルーティーンを設けることなどの、自分自身をリラックスさせてリフレッシュさせるいい方法を学びました。
Doing things in a routine/ set time is quite demanding for the students. Their unsettled and abrupt emotions hinder them (the students) in keeping their routine. However, school and its classes provide information, knowledge and wisdom which are most needed and applicable day-to-day life and immediate future.
In the afternoon, we learned animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Many of students love animals. Animals make many students smile. Being with and touching animals, people learn to relax and be relieved and be themselves.
午後の授業では、動物介在療法(AAT)について学びました。 生徒の多くは動物が大好きです。動物によって生徒は笑顔になります。動物に触れ、一緒にいることで、人々はリラックスし、ホッとして、自分自身でいれるようになります。
From last week, Students are being scheduled to talk about 2018 and to set the goals with our director Nagaoka (sensei). Students are being encouraged and taught in every way here in the school by the leadership of Nagaoka sensei. I find that many students learn to express their emotion and thought into words through the school and its program. Isn’t it incredible! Here allow me to thanks all the parents who put trusts in us (staff) and our school.
Voices of Students (生徒の声):
1. My emotion is unsettling. However, today I am ready to make one step forward to being independent.
2. It was hard for me to think and talk. However, I can think faster and describe my thought into words. It makes my life easier and coming to school becomes my pleasure.
3. I had a hard time to understand myself and to see my situation optimistically. Yet, I could come to school daily since last week. I think I am somehow growing.