Good afternoon from Samugaku! サムガクからこんにちは。
Chaa is writing a blog today. It’s been a while I haven’t written a blog. It is so nice conveying what we are doing via a blog. I would like to express a massive thanks in advance for this school year too. Thank you so much for supporting us and the school.
I see students are growing and learning how to be in a group. Seeing students interrupt, connect and converse in a group TELLs me that changes are being taken places in students’ lives.
Voices of students:
- I want to focus on high school study and learn to obtain “the concentration.”
- I want to experience how to re-enter and live in society.
- I want to be able to keep the balance between work and school and to graduate from this year.
- I want to learn how to eat properly and to maintain good health.
- I want to be able to work at a regular working place.
Today’s program goes as follows: 今日のプログラム
Early in the morning, we stroll about a kilometre. Students chat and laugh during the walk. No one is walking alone so far I observe. Students are learning to be in a group and get accustomed to blend in a group. 朝早く1㎞ほど歩きました。生徒はその間おしゃべりしたり笑ったり。私が見る限り1人っきりで歩いている生徒はいませんでした。生徒は集団の中にいて交わることを学んでいます。
KOKOROZASHI time: students pick one task which they will keep doing throughout a school year such as reading, muscles training, dancing, badminton, walking, … Continuing one task for days is quite challenging for many of our students. Students are learning how to keep doing the tasks or jobs which they pick. 志の時間読書、筋トレ、ダンス、ウォーキングなどの中から一つを選んで、それを一年間やり続けます。一つのことをやり続けることはここの生徒たちの多くにとってとてもチャレンジングなことです。生徒は自分で選んだ課題や仕事をどのようにやり続けるかを学んでいます。
School excursion: this year April 27, we will be walking the distance of 42-3 kilometer. Students got together and decided A SLOGAN which motivates the participants in the excursion on April 27. Students learn to think and come up with the idea which motives them. Students get to express thoughts and exchange them. The two blackboards are being filled with all the idea and thoughts of the students for the SLOGAN. Incredible indeed! 遠足4月27日に私たちは42、3㎞の距離を歩きます。生徒はみんなで遠足の参加者がやる気になれるようなスローガンを決めました。みんなで考えてやる気になるようなアイデアを出しあうことを学びます。2つの黒板はスローガンのためのアイデア、考えでいっぱいになりました。本当に信じられないくらい!
After lunch, we all grew the veggies on the farm. Growing veggies is not easy. However, students are learning new things and finding themselves. 昼食後、農場で野菜を育てます。野菜を育てることは易しいことではありません。しかし、生徒たちは新しいことを学び、自分たちを見つけています。
Today, I had a couple of counselling sessions with the students. Listening to their sharing and struggles reminds me that individuals are totally unique and of full of talents and energy. All they need is CONFIDENCE. Students are given lots of opportunities to find their confidence back and make it applicable in their daily lives.
As a staff, I am so determined to know each student and their potential. With the help of parents and colleagues, I would like to work with the students to find their dreams and walk towards their dreams.