Here in Samugaku, we help students to become independent individuals with the help of parents and community. Students learn to communicate and to experience differences. At times, we become oversensitive and overreact to every unexpected matter.
ここサムガクでは、保護者や地域の方々の協力のもと、生徒が自立した個人となるよう支援しています。 生徒たちは、コミュニケーションをとり、様々の違いを経験することを学びます。 時に私たちは過敏になり、あらゆる予期せぬ事柄に過剰に反応してしまうことがあります。
Allow me to quote what Nagaoka sensei said. Every student needs LOVE.
For “children who can’t choose their parents,” I want us to love and continue to love THOSE children as much as we can no matter what the situation is. By doing so, the minds of the children will not be so distorted. “願わくばどんな状況になろうと「選べない子どもたち」を思いっきり愛し続けて欲しい。そうであれば子どもたちの心はそうそう歪まない。”
Students are being connected via JOB TIME with local community. Students are being exposed to society through school programs. School programs are made for students to be reintegrated into society such as gaining a regular routine (eating three meals and enough sleeping hours) and work trails…
JOB TIMEを通じて、地域社会とつながっている。 学校でのプログラムを通じて、社会との接点を持つことができます。 社会復帰のために、規則正しい生活(3食の食事と十分な睡眠時間)、仕事の体験など、学校でのプログラムが組まれています。
Students experience how to be with other individuals, how to communicate, how important to have a daily routines, how to become independent in society… Above all, students learn to appreciate especially to their families.
人との付き合い方、コミュニケーションの取り方、日課の大切さ、社会で自立すること…。 そして何より、家族への感謝の気持ちを学びます。
I am grateful to many people who help us and for your continued support.