This is Chaa writing.
Today I smiled real. I smiled from my heart.
Today, the vice-principal and I visited a boy (who seems to be a teenager at heart, but his actual age is in his forties). This boy has been shut up in his room for 12 years.
今日は教頭と二人で男の子(見た目は10代、実年齢は40代)を訪ねました。 この少年は12年間自分の部屋に閉じ込められていた。
The feeling of supporting a shut-in to come out of his room is a subtle blend of compassion, encouragement and shared triumph. It is like witnessing a flower slowly blossoming after being in the shadows for too long.
引きこもりの人が部屋から出てくるのを応援する気持ちは、思いやり、励まし、そして勝利の共有が微妙に混ざり合ったものです。 それは、長い間日陰にあった後に、ゆっくりと花が開くのを目撃するようなものです。
The vice-principal and his parents were constantly concerned about this shut-in for all these years. His parents, and we felt a deep sense of fulfilment that our assistance had played a role in helping someone outside of their comfort zone.
教頭とその両親は長年この引きこもりを常に心配していた。 彼の両親と私たちは、我々の援助が安全地帯の外にいる人を助ける役割を果たしたことに深い充実感を感じました。
It is a testament to the power of patience, understanding and the belief that everyone deserves a chance to live a brighter, more connected life.
Witnessing a reclusive person gradually exploring the world outside their room fills me with warmth and shared joy. The subtle changes in their demeanor, the sparkle of curiosity in their eyes, the courage to face the unknown – all this brings a deep sense of pride.
引きこもりの人が部屋の外の世界を徐々に探索していくのを目撃すると、我々は温かさと喜びの共有で満たされます。 彼らの態度の微妙な変化、好奇心の輝き、未知のものに立ち向かう勇気、これらすべてが深い誇りをもたらします。
The feeling is akin to that of a guide, helping a person navigate a path they never thought they could take. It is about fostering a sense of belonging and reminding the shut-in that they are not alone on their journey. Sharing victories is not just about physically leaving the room, it is about breaking down emotional barriers and rediscovering the beauty of human connection.
その感覚は、人が想像もしていなかった道を進むのを助けるガイドの感覚に似ています。 それは、帰属意識を育み、引きこもりの人たちに、旅において自分たちは一人ではないことを思い出させることです。 勝利を分かち合うことは、単に物理的にその部屋から出ることではなく、感情的な障壁を打ち破り、人間のつながりの美しさを再発見することでもあります。
As a supporter, you may feel a deep sense of gratitude for being part of this process of change. A reminder that kindness, patience, and understanding can be powerful catalysts for positive change. The journey of sharing is a testament to the strength of human connection and the transformative impact it has on both the supporter and the person recovering from withdrawal.
支援者として、この変化のプロセスに参加できたことに深い感謝の気持ちを感じるかもしれません。 優しさ、忍耐、そして理解が前向きな変化への強力な触媒となり得ることを思い出させます。 分かち合いの旅は、人と人とのつながりの強さと、それが支援者と引きこもりから回復中の人の両方に与える変革的な影響の証です。
Lastly, otsukaresama to the particular hikikomori and parents
And omedetou to vice-principal…
The beginning of next year, this person will move out of his parents’ home and into a shared house.
Then he begins to learn to connect and contact other people.
Then he begins to learn to be working in society.
We support individuals and families. That support will lead to a better community and a better Japan.
我々は個人と家族をサポートします。 その支援がより良い地域社会、より良い日本につながります。
In order to live independently, this person needs detailed support in a variety of ways. The vice-principal specifically supports him every step of the way and exposes him to people and new things. This will be both rewarding and a big challenge for him and the vice-principal.
I also want to contribute to his rehabilitation into society.
自立して生活するためには、さまざまな面での細かいサポートが必要になります。 教頭は、彼の一歩一歩を具体的にサポートし、彼を人々や新しいものに触れさせていきます。 これは彼と教頭にとってやりがいがあると同時に大きな挑戦となるでしょう。