Chaa and Tedra are writing blog today.
Students enjoyed playing tennis today. Director Nagaoka used to be a tennis instructor. Today students not only enjoyed playing tennis, but also learnt good technique.
今日は生徒たちはテニスを楽しみました。 理事長は元テニスインストラクターでしたので、今日、生徒たちはテニスを楽しむだけでなく、優れた技術も学びました。

Today, we met with Kevin, the CEO of a data analytics firm in Matsumoto, and learned about the use and benefit of data analytics especially for NPOs and Hikikomori.
私たちは松本にあるデータ分析会社の CEO であるケビン氏にお会いし、特に NPO やひきこもりにとってのデータ分析の利用と利点について学びました。

What are data analytics? Data analytics is like solving puzzles with information. It helps people make smart decisions by looking at data (information) and finding patterns or trends. While many people are aware of data analytics in the business world, they can be very useful in the NPO world as well. We can also use people’s habits, activities, and data to look for ways to improve society and people’s individual lives.
Kevin was very good at breaking down the benefits of data analytics in and understandable way, and used real life examples of the way his company’s analytics have been applied to various situations to help people live better and happier lives.
One of the things he mentioned is that many people working with NPOs are quite busy focusing on doing the work of helping people, counseling them or working through crises. As a result they may not have enough time to take data or to analyze the data they take.
Samugaku keeps many records of information about students’ progress and analyzing such data may hold the keys to helping both those students and others with how they can be more effectively supported, or what factors most contribute to the chance of successfully re-entering society.
We hope to continue hearing more about how data analytics can be applied to Samugaku and the work of helping Hikikomori in the future.