Young people have a lot of potential, energy, and time. Opportunities and environments are essential for young people to reach their full potential and nurture the talents they have been given.
若者にはたくさんの可能性とエネルギーと時間がある。 若い人たちが自分の能力を最大限に発揮し、与えられた才能を育むためには、機会と環境が不可欠である。
Today, we would like to introduce the “what” and “how” of hikikomori. And I want more people to know about Hikikomori. Because together we can make Japan a better place for the children who are the future of Japan.
今日は、ヒキコモリの「何」と「どのように」をご紹介したい。 そして、より多くの人にヒキコモリを知ってもらいたい。 なぜなら、日本の未来を担う子どもたちのために、一緒に日本をより良い場所にすることができるからです。
We believe that withdrawal is a response to stress, which may manifest itself as a “withdrawn state,” and is distinct from the presence or absence of a narrowly defined mental illness.

Certain types of withdrawal may be a particular coping strategy, similar to an avoidance strategy for stressful situations involving social situations and social judgments.
In this sense, such withdrawal may not be a disability per se. At the same time, however, the prolonged nature of the condition may eventually transform it into a disorder. We believe that this way of understanding the withdrawal phenomenon helps to clarify the nature of the phenomenon to some extent, as opposed to treating it simply as a disorder in its own right or as a symptom of another disorder, such as autism.
For various withdrawals, our Samgaku has been integrating withdrawals into society since 2004.
By acquiring the manners appropriate to each situation and the ability to adapt to time, place, and occasion, students acquire the skills needed to function in society.
Our school programs are designed to help students find themselves, within their families and within society.

The following is a citation.
Table 1. Revised diagnostic criteria for hikikomori (cited and modified from Kato et al.33)
[Definition] A social withdrawal is a form of pathological social withdrawal, or social isolation, which is essentially characterized by physical isolation at home.
[定義】 ひきこもりとは、病的な社会的ひきこもり、または社会的孤立の一形態であり、その本質的な特徴は、自宅での物理的な孤立である。
The person must meet the following criteria:
- Marked social isolation in one’s home.
- Duration of continuous social isolation for at least 6 months.
- Significant functional impairment or distress associated with the social isolation.
1. 自宅での著しい社会的孤立。
2. 継続的な社会的孤立が6ヵ月以上続くこと。
3. 社会的孤立に伴う著しい機能障害または苦痛。

- A. Lack of social participation. Occasionally (2-3 days/week) or rarely (less than 1 day/week), the person does not participate in activities such as attending school, going to work, or going to medical appointments. This specific item is likely to apply to shut-ins who are not in education, employment, or training (i.e., “NEET”).
- With lack of in-person social interaction. The individual occasionally (2–3 days/week) or rarely (1 day/week or less) has meaningful in-person social interactions (conversations) with people outside home. In severe cases, the individual rarely has in-person social interaction even with cohabitating people, such as family members. This specifier would likely apply to individuals with hikikomoriwho have social interactions that primarily occur via digital communication technologies (e.g., social media, online gaming).
- Indirect communication. Due to the proliferation of the Internet in modern society, ‘indirect’ communication via web-based or other technologies is increasingly common. Thus, such indirect communication should be assessed in accordance with direct communication. Some cases have daily bidirectional indirect communication via online tools such as social networking services and/or online games.

Our students are trained to know themselves in order to become members of society. What and how can we know about withdrawal by the above information?
私たちの生徒たちは、社会の一員となるために自分自身を知るよう訓練されている。 以上の情報によって、ひきこもりの何をどのように知ることができるでしょうか。
If we are ignorant, anyone can become Hikikomori including us. Let us be attentive and be part to help young generation who are temporarily Hikikomori. Your help is most needed.
私たちが無知であれば、私たちを含め、誰もがヒキコモリになる可能性がある。 私たちは気を配り、一時的にひきこもりになっている若い世代を助ける一翼を担おう。 あなたの力が必要です。