Look around us. Technology affects us and changes the way we learn and communicate. In the morning, students l… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2533
Look around us. Technology affects us and changes the way we learn and communicate. In the morning, students l… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2533
We did have a wonderful day! We had Xmas party: Exchanging gifts and So much fun today. Activities and Progra… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2518
Here in Samugaku, we help students to become independent individuals with the help of parents and community. … 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2511
「ランドセル工場見学 佐久」で学んだこと (memo by Hirakata) 仕事をするうえで大事にしていること: ・いつも笑顔でいること。辛い時でも笑顔で、無理してでも笑うこと。 ・仕事は必ずしも好きなことばかりでは… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2502
No one live alone. No one can live alone. To get to know each other and to live in a community isn’t easy. To… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2493
Today our director Mr. Nagaoka talked about War and LOVE. 誰の為に犠牲をはらえるか 命 財産 For Whom Can We Make the Sacrifice… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2481
Today Chaa is writing a blog. Today is quite cold. I feel like winter visits us today. 本日は私、茶々がブログを書いています。今日… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2743
今日は茶々がブログを書いています。This is Chaa writing a blog today. お久しぶりです。しばらくブログに顔を出すことができませんでしたので、まずは最初に感謝を述べさせてください。日本国内の… 続きを読む »学級通信「サムライフ」vol,2730
Summer is about to end. We are excited about Autumn as the heat is unbearable this year. Students worked at an… 続きを読む »Summer Heat
This July 17, we had a graduation ceremony. If you have time, please take a look at it 令和3年度 卒業式特大号 This month… 続きを読む »Graduation