Hello from Samugaku. Thank you soooooooooo much for reading our blog. Today Chaa is blogging.
Today we went to Matsumoto’s Castle and Matsumoto City Museum of Art as a part of School Program. We did enjoy every single moment there in Matsumoto.
Students are varied in their interests and talents. However our school’s program is made to meet every students’ interests and talents. Through the program, students can deepen their interests and widen their knowledge. Above all, they get to know their talents through Samu school and its activities.
Beautiful Japanese lamps I guess *D
美しい日本のランプ……でしょうか? o(>▽<)o
I dare not describe this FROGS!!! It is so profound in a sense.
このカエルたちについては、なんとも形容しがたいです!!! 並外れたセンスです。
What a beautiful antique bookstore it is! We are amazed at all the wonderful buildings and arts.
なんて美しい古書店でしょうか! 素晴らしい建物と芸術に、私たちはただ驚かされるばかりです。
I think this kind of shop (selling style) is found only in Japan. There are a couples of shops where there is no a salesperson attended. Here you can put money in the slot and get one tiny bean bag to feed pigeons. Beautiful Japan indeed!
We enjoyed and are so mesmerized by the art and boldness of YAYOI KUSAMA. By her being and art, we can learn to appreciate who we are somehow. Thanks to Samugaku.
Above all, I witness that students are learning how to accept oneself and to find their talents, samu school is the best place for the students who are in need. Students are encouraged by every possible way here. All the staffs are willing to listen to students and provide anything that students might need.
Today too is a good learning day for me indeed.
Thank you so much.
そして何より、他者を受け入れるにはどうすればいいのか、彼らの才能を見出すにはどうすればいいのかを、生徒たちが 学んでいくさまを、私は目の当たりにしています。助けを必要としている生徒たちにとって、サムガクは最高の場所です。ここでは生徒たちはあらゆる方法で励まされます。スタッフはみんな生徒たちの言葉をよく聞こうとしていますし、生徒が必要としていることはなんでも提供しようとしています。