Dear All,
Greetings from Samugaku!
Today I ponder about the students and their unique beings. I try to imagine that the world which has rooms which allow our unique and individual situations into account. If all our unique and individual situations were allowed without any rules or goals, I don’t know how the world would be like?
今日私は生徒たち、そして彼らのユニークな存在についてよく考えてみました。 私たちのユニークなそれぞれ個人の状況をよく考えてそのまま受け入れてくれる余地がある世界を想像しようとしました。 もし私たちのユニークで個人的な状況がすべてどんなルールやゴールなしに受け入れられるならばこの世界はいったいどんな感じになるのかわかりません。
If there are tangible goals and concrete responsibilities for those goals, we can learn to tolerate one another, to acknowledge uniqueness and to deepen our minds and hearts in order to make a healthy distance and interdependency.
At times, it is so hard for the students to maintain peace in themselves. As a result, they react to one extreme over trivia.
時には、生徒たちにとって自信の平穏を保つことはとても難しいのです。 結果として、ささいなことに極端な反応をしてしまうのです。
It is challenging to mould the students into healthy independent individuals.
Without the parents and their trust, I don’t think we can help the students even in a tiny bit.
Again I am so grateful to all parents all the strenuous support. I would like to officially express my massive thanks to all the parents who show unconditional acceptance and supports to their child. There are mothers who choose to give constant unending love and trust to their child regardless of situations.
いつも申し上げる通り、私は保護者のみなさんの熱心な協力に心から感謝いたします。 私は子供たちに無条件の受容と支えを示してくださるすべての保護者のみなさんへ正式に心からの感謝の気持ちを示したいと思います。どんな状況にも関わらず、子供に常に終わることのない愛情と信頼を与えることを選択したお母さんたちがいます。
I am so honoured to work with the great parents in this samugaku for the students and their life changing.
On the other hand, there are times, we (staffs) have to be thick-skinned, yet able to listen to students and their feelings objectively. We (staffs) have to be a role model of healthy independent lifestyle, yet be flexible.
一方で、私たちスタッフは鈍感でいながら、それでいて客観的に生徒たちの声に耳を傾け、気持ちに寄り添わなければならない時もあります。 私たちスタッフは健康的な自立したライフスタイルのロールモデルとならなければなりません。
Needless to say, students are learning to know themselves and to locate their weak points and fix them here in Samugaku.
Here are some honest phrases I heard from students:
“I used to be feeling down most of the time. Now I experience replacing normal/standard mood to down mood.”
“I used to feel lonely and want to go home. Now I am enjoying life with exchanging thoughts and experiences with others.”
“I want being alone time. I feel stressed to be always surrounded by people.”
「ほとんどの時間落ち込んでいました。でも今は落ち込みモードを普通モードに置き換える経験をしています。」 「かつては孤独を感じで家に帰りたかった。今は他の人と考えや経験を分かち合って楽しんでいます。」 「一人の時間がほしいです。いつも人に囲まれていてストレスを感じます。」
Regardless of any statements student made for a day, I dare to say that they learn to express their feelings and be honest with someone.