Hello from Samugaku! This is Chaa writing a blog. Changes take place in the lives of students here in Samugaku. I am mesmerized by the students and their changes. Life is beautiful today as well.
I would like to brief about the students! Before the morning assembly, the boy student who didn’t want to stand or talk before people… is helping an another student who does not know what to talk before students this morning. The one who is helped BECOMES the one who gives HELP with the love and help of Samugaku.
At CHOICE STUDY, the one who loved games to the extreme NOW loves GAME in moderation by the help of samugaku. Besides he is working a part-time work regularly and living independently. Students could learn how to maintain balance RAPID UP DOWN emotions.
I was asked to join the conversation which two students converse over their perspectives and shared their feelings and try to figure out what is best for individuals. I was with them and could listen to their opinions out of their kindness and care. LOVE students grow in kindness and care!
In the morning, we practiced a graduation song. There I witnessed a good team work in two students. Both have talents and yet they didn’t know how to work together with their talents. There might have frustration. Now they talked openly and separated their responsibilities and doing a fine teamwork. I am super proud of the students today too.
In general, students are kind to one other. To have a straight talk or a close relationship is hard for students including me too. Yet while we are separating beans, students are playing with words and even pushing one another with laughter at some points. Here I see their second family is being built in a tangible way.
There was a student who wasn’t interested in working and no desire to makes friends at first. That very person is now naturally connecting with others and entering society through a part-time which is affiliated with samugaku. Besides, he has been trying to apply regular part-times and going to a couple of work interviews. Besides he is willing to keep applying till he gets hire. What a change and what a resilient!
This morning we learnt how to cope with our extreme emotions with Hirakata sensei. I would like to pick two points from today’s class.
Regarding Netami /resentment, we could learn how to manage it. In the class, students exchanged their experiences and their emotions honestly and concretely regarding netami/ resentment which they experienced. One of the example of resentment a student has is, “even if, we do the same thing with the same effort, how come the other did well and I couldn’t do it well. It makes me depressed.”
Says Hirakata, ‘to have resentment’ is super embarrassing for me. Needless to say, everyone does have resentment. However to make ourselves grow, we do need to let go our resentment or need to deal with it accordingly.
Hirakata sensei talked about anger in a great detail. Says Hirakata, “Samugaku is the place where we choose to encounter our iwake/ differences or diversities. We use and adapt differences as we live in a community. We argue and we quarrel because our purpose is to reconcile one another. Then we build understanding and recognize differences. As for me, I argue over things and I show my anger. For the consequent results, I take responsibilities and make efforts to fix the situations I may cause.”
Hirakata sensei encouraged students, “Do Something that we should do! ” is the point to make us stay fit/ stay healthy emotionally and physically! It is VITAL that “Do not do thing Just for oneself/ourselves” means “DO something for others.”
In the afternoon, we went to the gym and had a blast, playing beach volleyball. Everyone wants to win the game more or less. I do love to see students aggressive and competitive when they play beach volleyball. Students learn to feel and express their feelings through the sports. Samugaku is awesome indeed!
After school, I do have a few counseling sessions with students. We all are moving forwards needless to say. We are reminded again that we are unique and we all are given a second chance each day!