With Caterpillar Foundation’s grant, we are reaching more and going further!
Let me outline one of the sites our students are working at, the renovations for a Korean Barbecue restaurant called “Namsan” Students are taken to the construction site by van and work for 4-8 hours each day depending on the work required by the company. They learned about proper demolition, material disposal, and worksite safety working around water and electrical systems. They can work closely with professional construction workers to learn important techniques and skills, and build relationships with people at those company for future work prospects.
There is sometimes a lot of pressure in society to work in an office setting, so it’s very good for students to get experience with various kinds of physical work to see if it might be more suitable for them. This type of renovation project is under the building’s original roof, so there are fewer concerns about weather, exposure to sun and so on compared to a completely outdoor worksite.
With Caterpillar Foundation’s grant, we help improve the lives of people here in Japan together with local businesses.