

「ランドセル工場見学 佐久」で学んだこと

(memo by Hirakata)










What I learned from the “Backpack Factory Tour” in Saku

What I value in my work:

  1. Always have a smile on your face. Smile even when it’s hard, even if you have to force yourself to smile.
  2. Work is not always what you like. So I switch to what I enjoy.
  3. Don’t compare yourself with the person next to you. If you want to compare, compare yourself with the person you were yesterday or the person you were a moment ago.
  4. Don’t impose your own way of doing things.
  5. Don’t impose your own way (except for leaders).
  6. First of all, try to be obedient. Do not follow your own way.
  7. Be aware of whether they are slow because they are trying hard or because they are talking too much.
  8. It is more important to have someone who can go to work every day, even if it is late, than someone who works early and misses a lot of work.

理事長 長岡先生の授業

memo by 茶々

Time and money are very important.  We need to value them.  When we throw our time away, is money thrown away.

時間とお金はとても重要です。 それらを大切にしなければなりません。 時間を捨てるということは、お金を捨てるということです。

Our director asked each student that ‘How many hours did you waste yesterday?’


And in the class, all of us are asked to write down what we want to do.  Upon the lists we wrote down, we are asked to pick 5 top priorities. We adults are not about wondering what to do first but to do what we prioritised.

そして授業で、我々が「やりたいこと」を書き出すことになって、 書き出したリストの中から、最優先事項を選んぶ、 我々大人は、「何を先にやるか」ではなく、「優先順位をつけたことをやる」のです。

When we focus on the evaluation of others to us, we may waste our time and talents.  Let’s try to value our time!

How many hours are we on the cell phones? This is not about our will but of apps design to draw people’s attention.  How we use our cell phones and what apps we install become vital.

自分に対する他人の評価を重視すると、自分の時間や才能を無駄にしてしまうことがある。 自分の時間を大切にしよう!

我々は何時間携帯電話を使っているのでしょうか?これは意志の問題ではなく、人の気を引くために作られたアプリの問題です。 携帯電話をどう使うか、どんなアプリをインストールするかが重要です。

If we cannot manage our time, we will be crushed by problems.  How we spend our time daily will help our lives a lot easier.  Our lives will be changed in a good way.

時間管理ができないと、問題に押しつぶされそうです。 毎日の時間をどう使うかによって、我々の生活はずいぶん楽になるはずです。我々の生活は良い意味で変化していくでしょう。

And I would like to share one newspaper’s tabloid of our director.


「教育エッセー」  長岡秀貴

スパイクよりもレシーブ #1

Educational Essay” by Hideki Nagaoka

Receiving rather than Spiking #1


 Seven years have passed since I started providing support to people who were feeling “the pains of life.” When I resigned as a high school teacher, many laughed at me and called me a clown for advocating the establishment of private educational institution. Seven years have passed since that day. My ideal, which everyone thought was impossible, has become a reality, and although it is a tightrope walk, “Samuraigakuen Schola Imajin” accepts students from all over Japan, and they are living for NOW/today. The students who attend this school have varied pasts.


Some have been shut-ins for 15 years. Some have been withdrawn from school for 15 years. Some have hardly attended school at all. One who once found a job but failed. Some were hospitalized for a long time due to mental illness. They are of various ages and backgrounds, but they have continued to grow toward “self-reliance” after entering this school and through this school.

I always talk to them, “No matter how much the PAST bothers you, no matter how much you want to be independent from the PAST, No matter how much you worry about the PAST, no matter how much you talk about the PAST to someone, no matter how much money you put into it, … unfortunately you can’t change the PAST. However, you can change the FUTURE.


The Starting Line comes every day! And. Their PAST is not important. What is important is whether or not they have the desire to “change” their unwillingness at the present time, and if that is their own will, I believe that the FUTURE will definitely be brighter.

And the students embody my shallow ideals. The students are my light. Many people who cannot participate in society for one reason or another have one thing in common. It is “lack of input power. The power to accept and receive has been depleted.


And the power that their families and society demand of them is “output” one. I feel that this is where we can catch a glimpse of the source of the various problems that have erupted in today’s society. Even if you train the output in the dark, if there is no power of input, mutual misunderstandings will undoubtedly occur and lead to conflicts. Parent-child relationships. Relationships between teachers, students, and children. The same goes for the relationship between boss and subordinates in the workplace.


Whenever human beings interact with each other, output and input are always used. As long as there is an imbalance between the two, no matter how much you train one or the other, you will never be able to solve the problem. Which should we train? Output is a double-edged sword. It is sometimes a weapon that hurts people. All the intricacies of human relationships are caused by this power. Then, it is better to train “input power,” the ability to accept any situation, any environment, and any human being, which will bring us closer to peace and happiness.


By watching volleyball, it is obvious that receiving is more important than spiking.


It was a great day!

