

Miracles take place in our daily life especially here in Samugaku.  ここサムガクでは毎日ミラクルが起きています。

As you know, our school is the place for individuals who find difficulties in themselves to talk with and to be with others.   ご存じのとおり、私たちの学園は、人と話したり人と一緒にいたりすることに難しさを感じている人たちのための場所です。

Needless to say,

  1. We are so unique and so diverse.
  2. Our preferences (liking and disliking) are so varied.
  3. We are so reserved and so shy in a stubborn way.
  4. We are hyper sensitive.
  5. We take things personally.


  • 私たちはとても非凡であり、とても多様です。
  • 私たちの好み(好き嫌い)はさまざまです。
  • 私たちは頑固なほど控えめだし、恥ずかしがりです。
  • 私たちは度を超すほど繊細です。
  • 私たちは一人ひとりがそれぞれ物事を個人的に感じ取ります。

A team work would be so impossible for most of our students because it requires talking, sharing information, planning, making changes collectively.  Planning for Xmas Party with the student body council (seitokai) is beyond our capacity.  Budget, Program, Decoration, Food, Drinks, Cakes, Sharing tasks… requires students to work in a team and to spend time together.

班活動では、話し合ったり、情報交換したり、計画したり、それらをまとめて変更したり、などが求められるので生徒たちにはとても難しいことでしょう。 生徒会でクリスマス会を計画することは手に余ることです。予算、プログラム、飾り付け、食べ物、飲み物、ケーキ、役割分担、などは生徒たちにチームで活動し、一緒に過ごすことが求められます。

It is incredible to acknowledge that students are motivated to express their idea and given the opportunity to be in a group in all the school program.  Most of my time here in School is spent with the students and by listening to the students and their voices.


Students talk with the volume that everyone can hear.  It is a miracle.  Students talk his/her opinion till the end.  It is a miracle. Students look around and do things before they are being asked.  It is a miracle.


Samugaku is the place that students can feel accepted.  Students can be themselves.  Student Body Council is the community or a big family for every students.  They can be selfish.  They can be irritated.  They can learn.  They can teach.  Students learn to trust and be trusted in Samugaku.


I do love the students and their struggles.  No one is left alone here in Samugaku.  Today I feel like I respect the work that school’s staff are doing both office and teaching department.  We always have time for students.  We always have ears and hearts to listen and understand students.  We struggle together.  We cry together.  We laugh together.  We rise together.  We are so resilient.  We love students.

私は生徒たちと彼らの葛藤を心から愛しています。誰もここサムガクでは一人ぼっちにされることはありません。 今日私は学園スタッフがオフィスと教室の両方でやっている仕事に尊敬の念を感じました。私たちは常に生徒の話を聴く耳と理解する心を持っています。私たちは共に葛藤し、共に涙し、共に笑い、共に立ち上がります。私たちはとても強いです。私たちは生徒を愛しています。

Above all, LOVE is at work.  Trust and understanding are built in and between us.  There, real conversation and actual progress beget.   I am so overwhelmed today by the students and the cares they show.  LIFE here is gorgeous today as well.






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