Good communication creates better workplaces and better results. 良いコミュニケーションは、より良い職場、より良い成果を生み出します。
Communication means verbalization. コミュニケーションとは は、言語化を意味します。
Today, I have learnt that communication is not only about words, but also about attentiveness and teamwork. 今日、私はコミュニケーションは言葉だけでなく、気配りやチームワークが大切だと学びました。

There are paved and unpaved roads. Some parking areas are paved and some are not. Today we learnt about paving and the procedure.
Roads are one of the most important infrastructures on which we live. Roads are layers of asphalt or concrete built on top of soil, creating a smooth surface.

Paving is quite a learning experience. Today, I was able to learn about each step of the paving system while actually doing it on site.
On site, all machines are loud and make a lot of noise. In addition, the materials used for paving are used in the right quantities, at the right time and with the utmost care. Asphalt finishers spread heated asphalt. The machine pours the right amount into the ground, and we manually spread it out evenly.
現場では、どの機械も大きな音を出しています。また、舗装に使われる材料は、適量、適時、細心の注意を払って使用されます。アスファルトフィニッシャーは、加熱したアスファルトを散布します。 機械が適量を注ぎ込み、それを手作業で均一に広げていきます。

Cement pavements are harder than asphalt pavements. To improve the sustainability of the road, asphalt pavements are softer and require rollers to run over the pavement for smoothing and tightening, a presser to run over the pavement for smoothing and tightening again, water jets and a burner to finish the pavement coating.

Hydration helps us to work more efficiently and keep our attention in the team. This allows us to work each task separately to finish off the pavement. Wearing the right safety equipment will keep our sole and hands from burning and our clothes from getting dirty.

For paving, everyone needs to get enough sleep, eat enough food and stay hydrated. That way, we can be competent to each other.
I can’t say that I fully understood the pavement. However, we were overwhelmed by the great teamwork, without using too many words. Besides, we were able to find comfort and room in a noisy environment.
舗装について完全に理解できたとは言い難い。 しかし、言葉をあまり使わず、素晴らしいチームワークに圧倒されました。 それに、私たちは騒がしい環境の中で、安らぎと余裕を見つけることができました。
Thank you to Tamura San who leads us every step.